Split Seas II
Split Seas II is a relaxing, cooperative puzzle game for two players. Join another submarine explorer as you both make your way through ancient underwater ruins and solve puzzles to release the energy inside.
My Role
Luke Lin, Jordan Grayson
Game Engine
Unity 3D
Wrote all multiplayer code using Mirror Networking library
Prototyped main laser puzzle mechanic
Created 3D Models for props in level and puzzles
Wrote shaders in Unity ShaderLab and Amplify Shader
Worked on flowing water pipe effect
My Work
Boids Schools of Fish
We wanted to add schools of fish that swam around to make the world feel filled and alive. To achieve this I wrote a movement script for fish based on Craig Reynold's Boids algorithm.
We ran into performance issues due to these calculations happening on the CPU for thousands of fish, so I rewrote it in a Compute Shader to move computation to the GPU.
Black Light Effect
For one of our puzzles we wanted hidden symbols, and I created a black light effect shader for that. With ShaderLab code, I used signed distance fields to represent the cone of the light, and did an overlap check to the world position of the hidden symbol object to determine when to show the material.